This site is dedicated to providing information, news & updates for Heartwood Online.
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Originally posted by JerryPie in #announcements / Heartwood Online Discord:
Winterforge is here again! As Heartwoodian's prepare for the holiday festivities, the good elves are hard at work producing enough gifts for everyone. Maybe you can lend a helping hand.
And...Try not to get too distracted by a certain elf who likes throwing snowballs.
Originally posted by Davro in #patch-notes / Heartwood Online Discord:
¶ v0.4.13 - Patch Notes
- Winterforge has returned to Heartwood! With it has come a new Winterforge questline and rewards.
- Update to Ability UI functionality. Players can now rearrange abilities in any order. This update also gives a glimpse into the future for when players gain new abilities and can select their favorites.
- Misc adjustments to weapon spritesheets.
Originally posted by warby in #announcements / Heartwood Online Discord:
Heads up, @everyone ! The Pumpkin Festival wraps up this Monday, so make sure to complete any last challenges and grab that exclusive legacy mark and other prizes. We’ve had a blast watching everyone uncover Darian’s pumpkin operation!
Originally posted by Davro in #announcements / Heartwood Online Discord:
🎃 The harvest season has returned, and the Pumpkin Festival is in full swing again! As the days shorten and nights grow longer, the veil between worlds thins and spirits of the past roam among us. They return to the mortal world to visit loved ones and haunt old enemies. It's even been said that they will occasionally share wisdom with those who seek their guidance.
🔍 But this year, a dark twist unfolds. The Royal Family has been shamed by a local charlatan who goes by the name of... Darian! -- He's been charged with a long list of crimes including forgery and counterfeiting. Although some citizens of Heartwood claim Darian's been framed, the King's Guard have been dispatched to make a swift arrest. They will need all the help they can get to hunt for clues and uncover the facts before the festivities end and the Royal Family is embarrassed even further.
🎉 Join us as we celebrate another Pumpkin Festival and uncover the truth about Darian together!
(Minor QoL and item stat adjustments have been made as well. Please see patch notes below for more information.)
Originally posted by Davro in #patch-notes / Heartwood Online Discord:
¶ v0.4.12 - Patch Notes
The Pumpkin Festival has returned to Heartwood!
Alongside the event we have a few bug fixes and updates to existing items:
- Fixed an issue with kill quest notifications that would cause them to keep showing even after quest complete
- Fixed an issue where completing a quest with full inventory would cause quest progress to reset
- Fixed an issue with Creator Code UI that would cause other UI to break
- Corrected attributes on the following weapons:
- Ancient Glaive AP & Crit DMG increased from 22 --> 43
- Scavenger's Song Crit chance increased from 12 --> 37
- Razorback Mauler AP increased from 5 --> 9
- Ritual Staff HP regen increased from 0 --> 274
- Oppressor Crit dmg reduced 27 --> 0
Originally posted by warby in #announcements / Heartwood Online Discord:
¶ 💰 Bulk Market System 💰
We’re thrilled to finally announce the Bulk Market! 🎉 We understand trading can be difficult in its current state. We've read your suggestions and have been prototyping different ways to facilitate trade inside the game without an antisocial auction house. The Bulk Market is for stackable goods only. This includes items like coal, worms, bones, feathers, etc. If you can turn it into a deed, then you can put it on the Bulk Market. We have some other trading methods planned for armor and weapons in the future.
¶ 🌟 Content Creator Partnership 🌟
Along with the bulk market, we'd like to introduce an exciting new program that gives back to our dedicated content creators! We recently joined forces with who have created a way for content creators to earn a portion of cosmetic shop sales and give discounts to their followers. If you are a content creator and would like to learn more about ways to give back to your audience while helping promote Heartwood, please check out the application form pinned in content-creators to join the program!
¶ 🎃 Pumpkin Festival 🎃
What happened to Darian and the Royal Family? Well, something spicey is right around the corner and it's not a pumpkin spice latte. Stay tuned for more news about this year's Pumpkin Festival.
Originally posted by Davro in #patch-notes / Heartwood Online Discord:
¶ v0.4.10 - Patch Notes
Patch 0.4.10 will be introducing the new Bulk Market! Since this will be a new system in Heartwood, we wanted to give you guys a quick rundown of how it all works:
Market Orders
Players can place buy or sell orders at the Bulk Market, specifying an item, quantity, and price per unit. These orders are set to last for a defined duration and can be cancelled early. All orders are fulfilled automatically when their conditions are met. Items and gold are picked up from the board they are posted at.Sell Orders
These are offers to sell items at a specified price. Sell orders are automatically fulfilled when a buy order of equal or higher price per unit meets their listed price.Buy Orders
These are offers to purchase items for a set price per unit. Buy orders are always fulfilled for their listed amount.(Keep in mind this trade system is currently designed exclusively for stackable items)
Additional Notes:
- Fixed an issue that would cause players to be headless on login
- Fixed an issue for iOS that could cause the game to crash
- Fixed misc issues with logins
- Performance improvement for mobile clients
Originally posted by warby in #announcements / Heartwood Online Discord:
Hey everyone,
We hope you all have enjoyed celebrating the first Dryad Bloom Festival with us! It's been a pleasure looking back at the memories and relationships that have been established over this past year.
With that being said, the Anniversary Event will officially be ending on Friday, September 13th @ 10AM EST (2 days from now). So hurry up and get those legacy marks while Flora is visiting Heartwood!
At this time would also like to clarify that upon conclusion of the event, all Fireworks and Blossom Branch Staves will be removed from the game. The Blossom Branch Staff was intended to be powerful temporary item that could help lower level players progress through the event while it was active.
Now that we've celebrated the past, it's time to see what the future has in store for Heartwood! Here's a sneak peak at one of the many upcoming zones included in our next map expansion.
Before I start adding and adjusting the Atlas with everything that came along with the latest update, I just wanted to toss up a quick reference for the Dryad Bloom Festival event. This is everything the community has discovered to this point. There will be a patch soon to address some of the more pressing bugs, including stat discrepancies from mobile to PC for event gear.
Big thanks to those who have helped with info gathering so far. I'll start going down the list today and get everything up to date as soon as I'm able.
See something we missed?
Please DM me via Discord (Maro) or join us for discussion on the Atlas Discord.
Originally posted by warby in #announcements / Heartwood Online Discord:
What a wild ride this past year has been. New friendships have flourished, guilds have amassed, and the competitive spirit thrives! We have seen some truly incredible players join the Heartwood Online community, and we could not be happier to have you all here! This community is truly the heart of Heartwood.
With your help, we’ve accomplished many things this year. To celebrate this monumental occasion, we invite you to celebrate the first Dryad Bloom with us.
Many eons ago a forest Dryad developed a mysterious connection with the Great Constellation. Since then, generations have celebrated this union with fireworks, flowers and well wishes. This festival only happens when the Great Constellation is in the sky, so enjoy it while it lasts!
We cannot thank you enough for being here with us while we continue to develop Heartwood. This past year has been an incredible experience for us, and we are truly excited to work alongside you all in shaping out this amazing game.
Originally posted by Davro in #patch-notes / Heartwood Online Discord:
¶ v0.4.9 - Patch Notes
Happy One Year Anniversary!
The First Annual Dryad Bloom Festival has begun! A temporary questline and items have been added to celebrate Heartwood's first year in Early Access
- Crafting experience bonus added for Magic Recipes
- Certain ranged attacks from enemies are no longer homing. Projectile speed increased to compensate
- Reduced startup time for Health Regeneration after leaving combat
- Additional materials acquired from gathering gear bonuses are now indicated by colored font
- Adjusted crafting recipe for the following items: Oppressor, Pillar of Balance, Bone Splinter, Bone Blade, Elder's Crown
- New visual effect for moving items in inventory UI
- New visual effect for representing damage taken on enemy NPC health bars
- Updated font color for Critical Strike, Modified Damage, Enemy Damage
- Bonus damage modified by abilities like Freeze or Invisible are now represented by a new font color
- Updated player HP bar layering so that they are always visible among groups of monster health bars
- Updated party experience formula to reduce penalties based on level differences between party members
- Added a cooldown for changing servers that is incurred after consecutive server changes within a duration
- Reworked attack speed (Players will notice a slight baseline improvement from the previous version)
- Added functionality for placing useable items on the ground
- Updated enemy logic to reduce "stacking" of sprites
- Updated quest UI to include accept and complete function
- Added functionality for kill tracking
- Added new functionality for NPC dialogue
- Added tags for Developer/Moderator in chat UI
- Player name/guild/title sizes have been slightly reduced
- Added new block SFX for when damage is fully mitigated by shield block
- Added new running SFX for mounts
- Added new mount summon SFX for Stonejaw and Turtle mounts
- Added new SFX for Stonejaw/Turtle enemies
- Updated SFX for Freeze spell cast
- Updated SFX for player death
- Converted numerous SFX from stereo to mono for better spatial positioning
- Fixed a bug with boss aggro that was causing summoned enemies to only attack the summoner
- Fixed a bug that would cause enemies to hold aggro even when changing rooms
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause monsters to chase invisible players
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause recently tagged monsters to reset to their starting position, then become aggressive again
- Fixed a bug that caused enemy health bars to show as grey/tagged for party members
- Fixed a bug that would prevent the lowest level party member from receiving experience for enemies that are 4 & 5 levels lower than them
- Fixed a bug that would cause monster experience to be based on the level of the party member who delivered the killing blow
- Fixed an issue with the scrollbar on crafting UIs
- Fixed an issue that required a restart of the game after disconnecting from inactivity
- Fixed an issue that was causing falling leaf animations from trees to show on the wrong sprite layer
- Fixed an issue that was causing rock breaking effects from ore nodes to show on the wrong sprite layer
- Fixed visual bugs with Ancient Fox mount
- Updated positioning of player sprite on Fox mounts
Originally posted by warby in #announcements / Heartwood Online Discord:
Great news, a new patch is here with quality of life improvements and bug fixes!
One of the most important fixes, you can now summon Overseer and Canis. See patch notes below for more info.
Thanks for helping us depopulate the rivers in Heartwood. Take a look at the ecological damage you guys have caused in only 1 week's time!
¶ Catches
- Leaf Minnow: 887,983
- Shimmerling: 111,491
- Pebblefin: 519,235
- Sweetwater Catfish: 104,768
- Rockscale Bass: 7,243
- Thornspine: 5,515
- Bluegilled Salmon: 650,507
- Stoneglade Trout: 191,718
- Clam: 85,981
- River Koi: 5,372
Total Catches: 2,569,813
Originally posted by Davro in #patch-notes / Heartwood Online Discord:
¶ v0.4.8 - Patch Notes
Fishing and Cooking skills have been added to Leaderboards
Added trophies to fishing records
Zil NPC now sells Blood Offering and Soul Offering in exchange for Lumin Crystals
Updated cooking level requirements for Offerings:
- Deer Guardian Offering - 5
- Board Guardian Offering - 8
- Vulture Guardian Offering - 13
- Blood Offering - 18
- Soul Offering - 28
- River Guardian Offering - 40
Enemy NPCs now require taking damage from a player to be 'claimed' by them
Items on crafting UI can now be clicked to show hover text/item description
Gear set bonuses are now properly displayed in hover text
Ground Stomp stun no longer breaks when enemies take damage
Updated Black Sheep values to better match it's level (52)
Muting a player now blocks communication for both parties
Assigning item images to bank tabs has been disabled
Fixed a bug that made some cooking recipes unable to be crafted
Fixed a bug that made blocking possible even when no shield was equipped
Fixed a bug that allowed for Herbalism to benefit from gathering gear set bonuses
Fixed a bug with whisper/DM button on player inspect
Fixed a bug with hover text on Quest UI
Fixed a bug with in-game time that caused the wrong day in season to display
Fixed a bug that caused the Elder Stag to show the same blood effect as Bloodhorn
Fixed issues with vendor NPC UI icons
Various bug fixes related to fishing
- Fixed a bug that made it so the interact button could not be repositioned
- Fixed a bug with interact button that would make it show 'pull' with the fishing icon when it shouldn't
- Right click to add or remove items in trade window now functioning properly
- Increased text size for experience trackers on HUD
Originally posted by JerryPie in #announcements / Heartwood Online Discord:
Without further ado, fishing and other fun activities are now available in Heartwood! Good luck and have fun discovering new secrets.
(See patch notes below)
Originally posted by Davro in #patch-notes / Heartwood Online Discord:
¶ v0.4.7 - Patch Notes
Fishing and Cooking have been added as two new skills!
Alongside these new skills, we have some exciting additions:
- Fishing Leaderboard
- New crafted gear
- New monster drops
- New gear with crafting bonuses
- New gear with ability perks
- New NPCs
- New Quests
- New gathering nodes
- New crafting station for Cooking
- New legacy marks
- New rare spawn
- Nearly 100 new items
- 11 new mounts
- Visual update in Oakwood, near the Keevah NPC
- New tool slots for fishing poles and fish baits
- New item type, 'Offerings'
- New system to pair with fishing and cooking, 'Shrines'
- Overseer and Canis no longer spawn on a timer
- Drop rates across the game have been adjusted slightly
- Due to the new system for summoning bosses, the drop rates for Overseer and Canis drop have also been tweaked. The amount of time it takes to summon a boss and obtain a rare drop should correlate with previous drop rates when the boss could respawn every 60 seconds
- Weapon Damage and Shield Block are now affected by item rarity
- Level modifiers corrected on some gear
- Claiming or tagging a monster now makes it so all other players see a grey health bar
- Fishing Poles have been added to Carpentry
- Crafting times reduced for certain items
- Quests now have level requirements
- Some quest rewards changed to match new requirements
- Quest experience has been significantly increased
- Rare spawn kill experience has been significantly increased
- Monster kill experience has been increased for all enemies, starting at Boars (~level 12)
- Bank and Inventory UI have received minor visual updates
- Skeletal Mages and Archers have had their health slightly reduced
- Smaller monsters have been removed from Miner's Hollow and Feasting Den
- Changed gathering animation for herbalism to kneel from swing. SFX updated to match
- New hover text has been added to player UI for displaying attribute names
- New UI icons have been introduced for new crafting skills and items
- Click and hold functionality added for talent page, shops, crafting
- Added /reply and /r as chat functions
- Added /w as a shortform command for /whisper
- Fixed an issue that would cause players to get stuck in ore nodes
- Changed 'Drop' option to 'Discard'
- Added 'Sell All' functionality for selling to merchant NPCs
- Added confirmation popup for blocking players
- Player speech bubbles have been updated to have a darker background
- Updated gold and gem formatting. Ex., 1,000,000
- Misc fixes to gear spritesheets and animations
- Various bug fixes
- 'Loadouts' are now available from the in-game shop. These will allow your character to save preset gear loadouts and swap to them at any time from the inventory
- New login methods have been added for PC and Android
- PC players can login with Steam, AppleID or a Google account
- Android users can login with Google account or AppleID
- Experience numbers are now viewable on player HUD
- Right click functionality added for selling items to NPCs
- Right click functionality added for equipping and unequipping items
- Right click functionality added for adding items to trade window
¶ Class Changes:
- Rogues no longer lose Invisible state when casting Self Heal or Evasion
- Rogues no longer lose Invisible state unless an ability hits a target
- Bonus damage from Invisible has been reduced from 150% to 100%
- Thousand Knives Attack Power modifier has been significantly increased to compensate for Invisible changes
- Increased hitbox of Thousand Knives to better match the graphic
- Fixed a bug with Shuriken Storm that would cause the SFX to play on your next swing
- Mage Freeze Magic Power modifier has been reduced
Ground Slam stun no longer breaks after enemies take damage- Fixed a bug with Bola Throw that would cause the SFX to play on your next swing
- Fixed a bug with Ground Slam that would cause it to target cursor location
- Self Heal ability is now available at level 1
Originally posted by warby in #announcements / Heartwood Online Discord:
Hey everyone,
Fishing is almost here! After much teasing and discussion with the community, we figured it was time to give you all a more accurate estimate on when the next Heartwood update will be available. We are happy to announce that the fishing update should drop early next week!
While this is very exciting news, our timeframe for the release of this update will conflict with the monthly release cycle for Patreon rewards. This will mean that new Patron rewards become available with the release of the fishing update, and not on the expected date of 5/1. Please note that any subscribers who are active on 5/1 will still receive rewards when the fishing update is available.
Dig up those fishing waders and find yourself a trusty pole. Fishing is coming to Heartwood Online!
April is here, and as always with a new month comes new Patreon rewards! Here's a look at the new hat and mount for the month of April (bat theme).
Remember, these are available exclusively to Heartwood Patreon supporters during the month of April. Core patrons receive the hat and Ancient patrons receive both the hat and mount as an appreciation for their support. For more information, visit the Heartwood Patreon Site.
Shout out and big thanks to Ancient member OptimusCrime for modeling this month's hat and mount!
Originally posted by warby in #announcements / Heartwood Online Discord:
We've decided to drop an unscheduled partial update!
As you all know we're currently deep in development working on the Shadowfang region. Due to the scale of this expansion it needs more time in the oven. There are a lot of moving parts and new features so we have to make sure everything is in order before unleashing the wolves!
Today's Update
Originally we planned to release PvP with the Shadowfang update. But you've waited long enough to get revenge on your enemies. So today's your lucky day...
⚔️ PvP is now live at the Bawlow Arena, along with 1v1 duels! ⚔️
1v1 duels can be initiated anywhere in the world similar to the player trade function.Remember Heartwood is still in early access, so PvP is in the early stages right now. We'll be adding dozens of new abilities and a talent tree overhaul over the next few months. Expect many tweaks and changes as we monitor player battles. Become a master PvPer early so you can crush your foes in battle grounds and other PvP events when we add them in the future.
Next Update
What does this mean for the crafters and PvE players? Well we have more good news. Fishing & cooking is almost ready. The next update will include fishing and some other surprises like trophy catches! 🏆 🐟
Originally we wanted to include fishing & cooking in the Shadowfang update but we're releasing it early to make sure that content is coming out more frequently for you guys. Game development is very iterative process, plans change frequently. As much as we'd like to stick to the plan of 1 BIG update, breaking it up into a few smaller updates will add some extra spice to your play sessions. (And keep some folks from yelling "WHEN UPDATE!!"...right? 💀)
In other news we just hit 40,000 discord members! Thanks for being part of the heartwood community.
Originally posted by Davro in #patch-notes / Heartwood Online Discord:
¶ v0.4.6 - Patch Notes
Patch 0.4.6 is introducing some exciting new mechanics that we felt could use some more explanation so players may better understand our goals with the update. To help with this, we've broken up the patch notes into a few sections.
- PvP has been enabled at the Bawlow Arena!
- A 'Duel' option has been added to the player inspect UI
New Abilities
Next up we have some new Abilities. Each spell is class specific, and will replace the base 'Self Heal' at level 10. All healing effects and buffs from these spells will be improved with player levels in an effort to keep soloing more viable throughout the leveling experience
- Stone Skin (Warrior) -- Heals you and grants an Armor bonus that lasts for 5 seconds
- Evasion (Rogue) -- Heals you and grants a Dodge bonus that lasts for 5 seconds
- Barrier (Mage & Priest) -- Heals you and grants a protective Barrier that prevents a set amount of damaged based on your level. Barrier will fade after 10 seconds even if it has not been depleted.
Outside of the Overseer's Gaze, shields are often overlooked in favor of more damage. While shields do help with survivability, we wanted players to see a more noticeable increase in defensive capabilities when opting out of damage. This update marks the start of some changes that we will be introducing to shields that should make them a more viable option for players who want to feel more durable.
- Block Chance and Block Value have been introduced for ALL shields in the game
- 'Block Chance' determines the likelihood that an incoming attack will be blocked
- 'Block Value' determines how much incoming damage is reduced by when an attack is blocked
- Bonus Armor from certain shields has been converted to 'Block Value'
Stat Adjustments
Lastly, we have some sweeping changes to the amount of stats that players gain from gear and leveling. The goal here is to introduce fast paced PvP without having to increase player damage drastically. We also wanted the current feeling of PvE to remain the way it is now. To achieve this goal, we're reducing player health gains across the board and lowering monster damage to match them. Additionally, all classes have had some stats removed from their level gains and have been given Health Regeneration in return. This is an early step towards our upcoming talent overhaul, and is also a way to reduce downtime in PvE for classes with fewer healing options.
- All Health gains have been reduced to ~1/3 of their original value. This includes Health gained per level and Health gained from all types of gear.
- To compensate for this change, all enemy damage has been reduced to 1/3 of their original values. This includes basic attacks and abilities from all monsters and bosses.
- Dodge, Armor, Cooldown Reduction, and Focus are no longer gained from level up. These attributes can still be improved through gear and the current talent system.
- All classes gain the following stats when reaching a new level:
- Health
- AP/MP based on class
- Health Regen
- Self Heal amount has been reduced to match new Health values
- Due to the sweeping changes to player stats, all talent points have been refunded for free
Class Specific Changes
- Holy Nova healing reduced to match new Health values
- Purify healing reduced to match new Health values
- Purify healing reduced by 50% unless cast on allies
Misc Changes
- 'Level Up' event is now viewable by all players
- A new mount has been added to celebrate the bloodshed in Bawlow Arena
- Added a channel time for 'Teleport' that can be interrupted by damage or input from the caster
- Dispel animation now properly plays over targeted affected when removing negative or positive effects
Originally posted by JerryPie in #announcements / Heartwood Online Discord:
Wow...It's just over 5 months since launch and Heartwood has grown so much. It's been a blast working with such an awesome and supportive community.
The last 2 updates were holiday events. Although holiday events are fun, they don't offer the same long term benefits as permanent content. (Unless you were lucky enough to snag a Pumpkin Staff 🎃)
Now that the holidays are over we're back on the dev grind and finalizing some lasting features, or in gamer lingo... sweet, juicy, CONTENT. That said, we know you've been eagerly waiting for an update and we're excited to share some info on that today.
🧱 Update 1: QoL (dropped today)
Today's update includes a lot of important core features that will help us develop future content more efficiently like housing, pets, new talents/spells, and much more...
Along with these dev team improvements, this update includes a handful of bug fixes and quality of life features. Such as:
- New Overseer mechanics to prevent boss holding 😉
- Party loot improvement
- Leaderboard fix
- Chat fix
- Many system improvements, see 📄#patch-notes for more info.
🐺 ⚔️ Update 2: Shadowfang & PvP (next update)
The one you've all been waiting for...
- Expanded map size for more adventures
- New gathering resources
- New crafting tiers
- New equipment/gear
- New free to earn mounts/cosmetics via quests and drops
- A slew of new enemies & npc's to interact with (like those elusive wolf men)
- PvP arena!
- PvP dueling. 1v1 anywhere in Heartwood
- Improved survivability and ability tweaks to balance classes and make soloing more pleasant.
- Reputation, quests, and new legacy marks!
- And other secrets... 💫
Also, a few fun stats:
- 962,647 accounts
- 5,383 jailed players (Brutus is watching) 🍅
- Total exp for all players: 169,372,719,446
The dev teams malnourishment and sleep depravation have lead to profound hallucinations in the form of new game features. 2024 is going to be a great year for Heartwood.
Originally posted by Davro in #patch-notes / Heartwood Online Discord:
v0.4.5 - Patch Notes
- Added /age command to check character play time
- Added 'last seen' for friends and guild members
- Added a 'Logout' button to character select screen
- Logout option on Dashboard now takes players to Character Select screen
- Hat visibility setting saved on logout
- Mounted status saved on logout
- Fixed a bug that would cause players to be stuck in guilds even after leaving or being kicked
- Fixed misc bugs with Leaderboards
- Fixed a bug that would cause players to get stuck in place when dismounting by casting a spell
- Fixed a bug that would cause the chat text box to lose focus, allowing hotkeys to function while chat was active
- Updated channel names in chat channel select dropdown
- 'Group Loot' used to drop items only for the party member who delivered the killing blow to a monster. Common drops are now cycled through party members in order. Rare and uncommon items are still rolled on
- Updated Overseer to prevent griefing and holding boss
- Updated reconnect method to prevent frequent disconnects when playing with weak connection
- Fixed party loot settings UI
- Added a confirm button for requesting account deletion
For now, Heartwood returns to "normal". While players worked to finish the event quests, the developers didn't skip a beat behind the scenes and they continue to work diligently toward the growth of Heartwood. The next update shouldn't be too far out, so stay tuned!